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Welcome DicyDev’s projects website

DicyDev is a team founded by Lorenzo Lapucci, it aims to build interesting and useful content. Currently, we’re working and have worked on many different projects such as:


Responsive and stable VPN service that provides privacy with low latency and allows you to access game servers and websites when your network blocks access.

DicyPlay (discontinued)

Minecraft network built on top of custom plugins and automated scalability.

DeviBase (discontinued)

Check common items’ specs for Monitors and cables.
Is the monitor you wish to buy compatible with HDMI you need?
DeviBase is the repository for device specs.

Antony Escape (discontinued)

It’s a game with a great storyline behind it. The preview is not available yet, the project is in its early stages! (discontinued)

Recent posts

YouTube’s banner template resolutions

Have you ever searched “YouTube banner template” on Google in the attempt of finding a full-resolution image to use in your project? I have, and I could never find a full resolution usable image, only Photoshop templates and such, which I didn’t want to use.